Our relationship with Christ is the foundation for all we do. As followers of Christ, we are called to give our time and effort to strengthen our relationship through prayer, worship, Bible study, small groups, and other forms of spiritual discipline. We are able to move out into the world from this foundation.
Sharing Christ among us
The community of Delta Presbyterian Church provides us with the necessary care to perform the work of the church in the greater community. Through our care for each other, the love of Jesus is shared, whether it is through a Deacon visit, a meal brought in time of illness, or a hug during the passing of the peace.
Showing Christ around us
We show the love of Christ to the community around us through our mission outreach. We go out into the community through our programs, like Kids Hope USA and Friday Night Fun. We give hope to the community through monetary donations to organizations. We show Christ to the world in the way we live and deal with the challenges of life. Most of all, we become Christ in the world as members of his body, the church.
Our vision statement propels us into an exciting future. We commit to strengthening Christ in us, sharing Christ among us, and showing Christ around us in Lansing, in Michigan, and beyond!